Inicio » How To Conquer The Palate Of The Millennials In 2019?
Consumers are increasingly demanding, and the so-called millennial generation is no exception. But why do we emphasize this group? Let us remember that the millennial generation comprises people born between 1980 and 1999, that is, people who have already formed a family or are becoming independent. Consequently, they represent a key group in the market because they are the ones who make purchases for their families or themselves.
What do they like to consume? What influences them to buy a particular product? A group of panelists organized by the Specialty Foods Association identified the following trends for this year:
Functional drinks have grown 20 percent in retail sales, according to research by the association. Why? Because the new generations are looking for products that positively impact their health, that are traditional and with a good taste.
Although some people are intolerant to a specific product (dairy, meat, etc.), there are groups, such as the millennial generation, who -due to their beliefs or health conditions- decide to put aside foods of animal origin and prefer a diet based on foods of plant origin.
More and more people join or express their concern for managing plastic materials when buying a product, mainly millennials. For this reason, it is critical to reinvent the packaging of our products, making them more sustainable or teaching the end consumer how to reuse or recycle them. We must not forget that the containers or packaging transmit our company’s values, which could make millennials identify or not with what we are producing.
June 7, 2019
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